Saturday, January 19, 2008

It must be a secret...

... because nobody seems to be talking about the twenty-three Americans where were killed so far in Iraq this year... at this rate, we'll hit 4,000 dead before Easter.

Please take a moment to pay your respects to Danny, David, John, Keith, Curtis, Todd, Sean, Christopher, Matthew, Jonathan, Zachary, David, Ivan, Phillip, Timothy, James, Jason, Menelek, Andrew, Thomas, Ryan, and Joshua. Send a special prayer to the family who is being notified today...

My deepest sympathy and heartfelt prayers go out the their families at home and their military families who are still serving our country...

Since they were willing to sacrifice their lives for our country, I hope the rest of us are willing to take a little time to become informed about our current candidates... and for God's sake, VOTE...

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