Monday, October 30, 2006

Be an informed voter...

Honor those who served by casting a vote
While America sacrifices dollars and bodies for Iraq’s “democracy,” it’s inexcusable that our own elections reflect dismal voter turnout and votes based upon political party rather than the candidates themselves, generating a governmental system (local, state and national) lacking checks and balances and poor representation of our citizens.

Honor those who have gone before us — starting with Pilgrims and our founding fathers, continuing with our great-grandmothers and civil rights workers and our own recent fallen heroes — with informed selections at the polls. Don’t betray them by staying in the comfort zone of your own political party or simply voting for the incumbent because you haven’t researched the challenger.

A vote without serious contemplation is treasonous to the future of America. It would be pathetic and insulting to America’s principles if voters discount a candidate’s skills and qualities simply based upon politics. The future of our country depends on the earnest efforts and sincere consideration of our citizens at the polls — without blind loyalty for political parties.

Be a true patriot! Honor our nation and those who have fought and died for our freedoms — educate yourself about your candidates and make an informed vote at the polls.

Watch candidate debates at the Idaho Public Television website .

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