Monday, February 11, 2008

Words to my heart music

Separation of church and state... it shouldn't be a complex issue but too many of our elected representatives muddle it up. I've tried to explain how I feel but it's like talking to an empty room sometimes...

But then I found this post from Texas:
The real question is not whether GLBT people should be allowed to marry; the question should be is there a valid reason for the government to sanction marriage of any kind?

The Maryland General Assembly has seen the issue this way and has a bill pending that would eliminate all civil marriage and replace it with recognized domestic partnerships. The term marriage would be left to the religious sector where it belongs and the RDPs would be the construct for all legal purposes. Consider it a separation of church and state issue. Marriage is a religious institution and Domestic Partnerships can function for tax and other legal purposes.

This kind of law makes debates about “gay marriage” toothless. After all, the state gives equal rights to all its citizens and it’s up to churches to perform marriage ceremonies. This move will no doubt enrage many folks on the right, but to me it makes complete sense. It keeps the government out of the religious institution of marriage completely. Couples can be joined in a civil union and still receive all the rights of a married couple without the need for a religious ceremony.

For a gay or lesbian couple to get “married” they would first get a civil ceremony and then find a friendly church. This gets the government out of the marriage business and that seems a good idea to me.



Anonymous said...

Wouldn't work. The bigots would just turn around and say "society" shouldn't sanction reationships between people of the same gender.

By the way, I'm gay and getting married this summer here in Massachusetts.

David C.
Chelsea, Massachusetts

Just Callin' It Like I See It said...

Logically, I know that. I am continuously disappointed in the relgious right in America... if only they practiced what they preached.

My sincerest congratulations to you and your partner!