Monday, February 27, 2006

Contact your legislator!

From Senator Clint Stennett (District 25), Senate Minority Leader:
February 27, 2006
Legislators need to be aware that residents are watching how we handle this sensitive issue. There needs to be persistent pressure from the public on legislators to get this issue right the first time. Once this facility is operating, we will not be able to "unring the bell".

Sempra officials told the House Environmental and Energy Committee yesterday that if they passed the moratorium (H689), they would take their industry elsewhere. I only hope that Idaho Legislators will not take that as a threat. This is a new industry to Idaho. We are not set up to address all the concerns this industry will bring along with it. If we permit this industry out of fear and blindly open our borders to this industry without taking the time necessary to set up the crucial processes to protect our resources and the public, we will be selling out Idaho and all the residents of Southern Idaho at this time.

If Sempra cannot respect the time necessary to prepare ourselves for them, then they don't deserve Idaho. Please continue to share your opinions with other legislators, as well as your neighbors, friends and family and ask them to do the same.
Previous entries regarding SEMPRA:
Protect Idaho by supporting HB689!
SEMPRA coverage in the Times-News

Posted at Gooding Drinking Liberally:
Jerome Cty Coal-Fired Power Plant FACT SHEET

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