Saturday, December 16, 2006

Heads are rolling...

Yesterday, Dan commented on my previous post, "Luna Lied??" (about his Presidential nomination), and gave a heads-up and inside look as to what kind of games Tom Luna is playing in his new sandbox as Idaho's new Superintendent of Public Instruction now that he's firing people left and right before he's even begun his term in office...

Today's Times-News gives confirmation with the official version of Luna's actions...

Prior to the election, the Idaho Statesman published a statement which stated:
"Luna, a Nampa businessman, promised to surround himself with educators on his staff."
(I can't find a link to that article/editorial... if anybody has access to it, please let me know.)

Is it just me or wouldn't someone who has the skills and abilities to lead an agency wait until he was actually in place so he could evaluate the staff before cleaning house?

Is it just me or is anybody else worried about what kind of changes are going to be made in Idaho's schools which will impact Idaho's children (including mine!)?

Anyway, for review, it's very important that you hop over to:

Then go hug your children and their teachers...
...they'll need our support a lot more than usual for the next four years.

UPDATE [12/19/2006]:
Detailed information regarding Luna's slashing and burning at the Dept. of Education over at Royal Mountain Valice's post, Lunacy.

UPDATE (12/20/06):
Source says his statements were misrepresented...

...have you heard about the "No Child Left Behind: Football Version?"...

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