Saturday, April 01, 2006

Gooding DL stimulates new activities?

At last night's meeting, several ideas came up for consideration:

One of the main issues we recognized and solved was the need for the Gooding County Democrats to hold regular meetings in addition to Gooding DL. The Gooding Drinking Liberally is NOT the same organization as the Gooding County Democrats. Gooding DL does not endorse any party, candidate, or issue--we only educate, inform, and socialize. However, many of the people who have been attending Gooding DL are ALSO members of the Gooding County Democrats and sometimes we slip in to discussion related to the other organization. So, we addressed THAT conflict by scheduling official Gooding County Democrat Party meetings PRIOR to the Gooding DL meetings. The Gooding Democrats will meet at 7PM and discuss canvassing, precinct captains, voter registrations, etc. at that time. At 7:30PM, we will take off our "Democrat" hats and just be liberals with those who join us then. Both meetings are open to anybody who wants to learn more about the local Democratic party or about liberal issues.

Other topics:
There was again discussion about the concern of the "drinking" part of "Drinking Liberally" and how some people may not be participating because of feeling uncomfortable in that setting. We do realize that any liberal group will be criticized by some, no matter WHAT we call it. (For crying out loud, think of the people who freaked out over a PEACE vigil!) But we still worry (is that a liberal thing?!) about folks who want the fellowship but are concerned about the misperceptions related to "drinking". One solution to that is to have another group (in addition to Gooding DL) called "Drinking Liberally in the AM", hold it at a coffee shop (or someone's house) in the mornings. Surely people won't think that we're getting drunk at Coyote Joe's?? HA!

Another project which several people were excited about is "Screening Liberally" where we gather to watch shows such as Fahrenheit 9/11, Bush's Brain, Bowling for Columbine, Thank You For Not Smoking, etc. We thought about doing that once a month or so. We would need a meeting location that is conducive to a group of people watching a movie in order to do that. Ideas? Suggestions?

We will also be incorporating "Reading Liberally" at future DL meetings as well. That can be a stand-alone club, if there is enough interest/involvement. We had a great start the other night as a couple of participants began sharing books which they have read. It was fascinating! Future "Reading Liberally" meetings can also incorporate "book exchanges" so we can share our resources with each other.

If anybody is interested in "Screening Liberally", "Reading Liberally", or "Drinking Liberally in the AM", let me know.

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